Category: MK1

How To: Replace Rear Strut

Tools needed:

* Various sockets, wrenches, pliers & ratchet
* Cheater bar for those stubborn nuts & bolts
* Bench Vice
* Monkey wrench or large channel locks
* Dremel tool (maybe, see step 6)
* Spring insulators x2
* Bumpstops x2

How To: Clean Throttle Body

It’s a good idea to clean up the throttle body every so often, as the oil vapor in the PCV system condenses on the cooler walls of the intake. This leaves a nice oily...

How To: Replace Exhaust Manifold

Shortly after buying the car, I started hearing an odd sound from the engine compartment. From suggestions I concluded it was the exhaust system and after getting an overall inspection done by a mechanic...


Battery Hold-Down Bracket

I was bored today, and looked for something to do. Decided to clean up the bracket that holds down the battery. As you can see, there’s lots of battery acid corrosion along one side...


Ignition Timing

Here’s just a little writeup to help you with checking and adjusting your ignition timing. Here’s what you need: A timing light that you can purchase from Autozone, Pep Boys, etc. It runs between...

How To: Replace Shift Boot

After 17 years, my shift boot has gotten pretty ratty. So I purchased a new one made from soft calf leather from a person on the MR2 forum. I had the option of picking...



      Here’s just a short write-up for changing the thermostat.1) Drain engine coolant. It’s quicker to just tear the housing apart without the pain of draining the coolant, but that way is...

How To: Replace Front Strut

Finally, started redoing the entire suspension in the car. I went ahead and removed the strut assemblies first, that way this writeup is more meaningful.

Tools needed:

* Various sockets, wrenches, pliers & ratchet
* Cheater bar for those stubborn nuts & bolts
* Spring compressor
* Bench Vice
* Monkey wrench or large channel locks
* Dremel tool (maybe, see step 4)

How To: Replace Alternator

Note: This only pertains to the N/A MKI MR2s since the SCs alternator is located on the exhaust side of the engine. Got the 3 warning lights (Charge, Cooling Fan, Brake) on your dash...