Category: Engines

Supra Fuel Pump Power Mod

This mod is intended to supply the maximum amount of voltage available to the fuel pump, and upgrade the wires when using a Supra pump which usually pulls right around 20 amps, by getting...

How To: Install Thermostat

Real quick pics of a thermostat change in a MKII T. There are only 2 bolts holding the thermostat in place, but there are some peripheral items that removal of will make the thermostat...



As seen in the above picture, I have installed two LEDs in the dash that indicate when the ECU switches the TVIS (Toyota Variable Induction System) and VSV (Vacuum Switching Valve).  The red LED...


Do it yourself Water Injection

Here are some images of the mcmaster car nozzles mounted inside the throttle body. An overview video of the water injection setup is here (WMV format 8MB) – it’s a little nerdy – but...


TVIS Disconnect

TVIS Disconnect = MID RANGE GRUNT There are really only a few free mods, add this one. Give it a shot, if you don’t like it, switch it back! On hearsay, we disconnected our...


Head Water Temp. Monitoring

In order to find out what was happening when we switched from normal coolant to NPG+, we installed thermocouples in our cyl heads at the inlet and outlet to track temperatures. Preliminary results below....

How To: Remove MR2 Fuel Injectors

Notes and pictures on how to removal the fuel injectors from a 1991 MR2 Turbo.  Start off my removing the X strut tower brace and intake tube connecting the intercooler with the throttle body. ...