Tagged: swap

How To: Swap a 20v by System

Changes that need to be made to accommodate the 20v by system 1. Exhaust -Silvertop The complete 16v exhaust system can be used with the 20v silvertop. The only needed modification will be to...


2zz With C60 Swap

Write up for installing 2ZZ-GE with C-60 into MK1. If you choose to use an alternate transaxle, you will encounter other variables. Ill try my best to remember everything and add part #’s where...

Toyota V6 Swap Candidates 1

Toyota V6 Swap Candidates

Engine: There are too many to count as toyota used them in alot of vehicles 3VZ-FE toysrme? 4VZ-FE JDM? 5VZ-FE Found in 1995.5-2004 Tacomas, 96-02 4runner, 95 T100(Rumor has it this was a Disti...


V6 How To-A Visual Aid

Removal of the stock motor 3S or 5S. Keep the parts organized, you will be using many on the V6 motor. Things to remember: Cap off coolent hoses Protect fuel lines from contaminants and...


How To: V6 Swap Primer

Engines: Compatiblity / Grocery List
1997+: 1MZ-FE
Best choice for swap.

1992-1996: 1MZ-FE
Compatible, but not recommended.
Early 90’s 3vz is proven to work also*

4AGZE Swap Wiring Info 0

4AGZE Swap Wiring Info

Okay… this is going to be long, but hopefully it will help you out. Disclaimers/Notes: – All references are to the way my ’86 NA (manufactured 8/85) were wired. The references are to the...