Tagged: removal

How To: Remove Precat

For those of you that dont know, when designing the MR2 Toyota went down the path of making it a Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle (ULEV). Doing this meant adding a whole load of extra...

How To: Remove MR2 Fuel Injectors

Notes and pictures on how to removal the fuel injectors from a 1991 MR2 Turbo.  Start off my removing the X strut tower brace and intake tube connecting the intercooler with the throttle body. ...

Replace Ball Joint

Here’s a step-by-step guide to replacing the lower ball joints. The pictures below are with the strut assembly removed as I am doing the entire suspension work at the same time & had just...


How To: Replace Oil Cooler Hoses

I’ve been waiting till its time to change my oil again to replace the oil cooler hoses, as these guys have been leaking for some time. I decided to replace them with Aeroquip Stainless...

How To: Change Water Pump

After a leak that had been going on for a couple months, I decided I would go after changing out the water pump. I also wanted to flush out the entire coolant system as...


Front Wheel Well Cleanout

A common problem with the older MR2s is body rust behind the wheels. One culprit is leaves and water getting down into the front wheel wells. Here i’ll go through the easy process of...

How To: Repair Wiper Switch

Tired of the intermittent setting not working? Wipers not returning to their rest position after you turn the switch off? Most likely all you need is this simple repair. Do this first before spending...