Midship Runabout

Things to Check Before Buying 0

Things to Check Before Buying

” So, you just bought an MR2″, generally what i say when someone new comes down to the workshop after they’ve just purchased their first 2. Then they ask me to put it up...

How To: Replace the Starter

How To: Replace the Starter

To replace the starter on a mk1: 1.  Disconnect the ground cable from the battery. 2.  Jack the car and use stands. 3.  Under the car use a 14mm socket a short extension and...

How To: Replace Speedometer Cable

Just replaced my speedometer cable today. It ended up being pretty easy, but as always whenever you’re doing something for the first time, it takes longer. 1. disconnect the cable from the tranny. It’s...


2zz With C60 Swap

Write up for installing 2ZZ-GE with C-60 into MK1. If you choose to use an alternate transaxle, you will encounter other variables. Ill try my best to remember everything and add part #’s where...

How To: Swap a 20v by System

Changes that need to be made to accommodate the 20v by system 1. Exhaust -Silvertop The complete 16v exhaust system can be used with the 20v silvertop. The only needed modification will be to...

4AGE Cooling System 101 0

4AGE Cooling System 101

The water pump pumps water into the block, it circulates into the head and comes out of the head on the passenger side above the water pump. The water travels passed the cap and...

Electrical Problems 101 0

Electrical Problems 101

1.  The alternator came with a plastic “hat” on the top post. If yours is gone, the wire harness will sit on the post and the post will dig into the wire harness. The...


How To: Install Engine Lid Fan

For those of you thinking about installing engine lid fans or those of you who have them and just aren’t sure how you want to go about wiring them this may be helpful. There...


How To: V6 Swap Primer

Engines: Compatiblity / Grocery List
1997+: 1MZ-FE
Best choice for swap.

1992-1996: 1MZ-FE
Compatible, but not recommended.
Early 90’s 3vz is proven to work also*